Dutch Senate Discusses CETA Ratification

Dutch Senate Discusses CETA Ratification

Opening Statement at CETA Hearing, by Commissioner Phil Hogans in the Dutch Senate

The Dutch Parliament have heard how the role of trade policy in the post-COVID-19 recovery can speed up the process of our recovery.

According to Mr Hogans "The Covid-19 pandemic is one of the biggest crises facing our generation and it will have far-reaching impacts on public health as well as on the economy and employment.

While the immediate challenge continues to be in public health, there is also a huge economic challenge building up. The European Commission and governments throughout the EU have been very active in implementing emergency measures to support their respective economies and to preserve as many jobs as possible.

The public health and economic challenges are closely linked, and the choices we make in the coming months will determine not only our success in defeating the virus, but also the speed of our post-Corona economic recovery. Of course, there are some things we can and should do differently in the post-coronavirus world.

This could include:

  • building strategic stockpiles of vital medical and protective equipment to make us better prepared for future pandemics;
  • Diversifying and solidifying our supply chains to make our economies less vulnerable;
  • And strengthening international rules and our own trade defence toolbox to keep the playing field level.

An open trade policy will be an important driver for recovery. For companies of all sizes to reap the benefits of trade, stability and predictability will be needed in the trading environment. This view has been strongly supported by leading companies such as Philips in recent weeks.

Better enforcement and implementation of all trade chapters is important for stakeholders and citizens.

The full speech can be found here.



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