01 Jun Canada is open for (your) business
This event is aimed at Dutch companies that wish to expand to Canada and from there do business in North-America.
De Ambassade van Canada in Den Haag organiseert op woensdag 1 juni, 2022, een dag-evenement: “Canada is open for (your) business”.
Dit evenement is met name bedoeld voor Nederlandse bedrijven die plannen hebben om uit te breiden naar Noord-Amerika en Canada.
Er zal plaats zijn voor maximaal 100 (Nederlandse) C-level gasten uit het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven.
Tijdens het dagprogramma wordt er aandacht besteed aan het laatste nieuws omtrent de Canadese economie, investeringskansen en steun voor het bedrijfsleven en de financiële stimuleringsmaatregelen. Tevens kan men kennis maken met vertegenwoordigers van Canadese ontwikkelkantoren en presenteren Nederlandse investeerders hun succesverhalen in ‘testimonials’. Verder is er voldoende tijd in het programma om te netwerken en vragen te stellen.
De bijeenkomst is in het Sir Adam conferentiecentrum aan het IJ op 5 ferry-minuten van Amsterdam Centraal Station. Deelname is kosteloos, maar registratie is verplicht. Aanmelden voor 15 mei a.s. op: [email protected]
The tentative draft of the day-program is as follows:
– 09:00 – 09:45: Networking and welcome
– 09:45 – 11:00: Key note speaker on Canada’s economy and forecast
– 11:00- 11:15: Health/coffee break
– 11:15 – 12:15: Value proposition FDI in Canada
– 12:15 – 13:15: Networking lunch
– 13:15 – 15:30: Several testimonials by successful Dutch investors including Q& A and discussion
– 15:30 – 16:00: Brief pitches by Canadian EDA’s, so that the ensuing networking session will bring the right people together !
– 16:00 – 17:00: Networking drinks and snacks until the official end of the event at 5pm. Sponsored by the Netherlands Canada Chamber of Commerce, Air Canada and Toronto Global
– 17:00 – 18:00: Further Networking Opportunities. Guests have to pay for their own drinks! Going Dutch in the Netherlands !
– 18:00 END EVENT
About the event
C-level guests who are keen to establish a footprint in Canada, yet whose plans have been delayed over the past two years, are most welcome.
The program for the day will include presentations on the latest on the Canadian economy, investment trends and opportunities. A representative from Export Development Canada (EDC) will highlight financial incentives and business support. Canadian economic regional developers will be present to promote opportunities in their respective regions and several Dutch investors will share their own experiences. Participants can network and raise their questions during the day.
The event will take place in the Sir Adam Conference Centre at River IJ, a 5 ferry-minute ferry crossing from Amsterdam Central Station. The parking garage A’DAM under the Sir Adam venue at Overhoeksplein 1 may be booked online.
Participation is free of charge, but registration is obligatory.
Register before 29th April, 2022, by email at: [email protected] specifying your name, your position and your company name. First come first serve, as space is limited due to strict social distancing.
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