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Floriade Pavilion, Almere

EXPO 2022 FLORIADE ALMERE Expo 2022 Floriade Almere will be the 7th International Horticultural Expo in the Netherlands. For six months, the attention to the theme ‘Growing Green Cities’ will be focused on the cities of the future. Visitors will have a unique and meaningful experience: during the expo they will be invited to ‘explore, touch and change’. This expo will be the start of a new city district close to...
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Canada is open for (your) business

Sir Adam Conference Centre, Amsterdam Noord-Holland

This event is aimed at Dutch companies that wish to expand to Canada and from there do business in North-America. De Ambassade van Canada in Den Haag organiseert op woensdag 1 juni, 2022, een dag-evenement: “Canada is open for (your) business”. Dit evenement is met name bedoeld voor Nederlandse bedrijven die plannen hebben om uit te breiden naar Noord-Amerika en Canada. Er zal plaats zijn voor maximaal 100 (Nederlandse) C-level...
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7:30 am - 9:00 am

Webinar - Talent; Retention vs Acquisition – Crisis or Opportunity


Houser Henry & Syron LLP invites you to participate in this year’s Mid-Market Report Webinar on Wednesday, June 1st, from 7:30 – 9:00 AM EST. Last year, the firm spoke to Mid-Market CEOs and business owners to understand how companies were navigating business strategies beyond COVID. This year’s report covers the competitive landscape for recruiting and retaining talented employees.  Our panel of guest speakers will share insights and real-life experiences...
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