
Ook in Canada staat het klimaat onder druk. Canadese boeren passen hun bedrijfsvoering aan, maar dat is niet voldoende. De Canadese overheid ondersteunt de boeren onder meer met living labs. Vooral op het gebied van bodemonderzoek is Canada vergevorderd. Klimaatverandering is een van de grootste bedreigingen...

Congratulations! The Dutch Senate ( Eerste Kamer) has approved the CETA trade agreement between the European Union and Canada. This follows a change in the opinion of some parties since the last discussion of 2020. The main theme is that the world has changed a...

On Monday 10th January 2022, Mark Rutte’s fourth cabinet was formally sworn in. This was almost 10 months after the general election and a year since the previous cabinet stepped down over the childcare benefit scandal. The new cabinet consists of 29 ministers and junior ministers...