75 Years of Liberation of The Netherlands - Reflections of a Canadian Soldier and Prime Ministers Thoughts

75 Years of Liberation of The Netherlands - Reflections of a Canadian Soldier and Prime Ministers Thoughts

Many events were planned and subsequently cancelled for the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands. However, that allowed us to take a more personal approach and reflect on the events and sacrifices made by so many.

This article, by Colonel Tim R. Young, Canadian Defence Attaché to The Netherlands, is an example from one who knows first hand the cost of freedom and the struggle it takes. He reminds us that although we must learn lessons from the past, we must also share them with our future - the youth of our countries.

75 Years of Liberation of The Netherlands - Reflections of a Canadian Soldier

Vijfenzeventig jaar bevrijding in Nederland-bespiegelingen van een Canadese militair

As the Netherlands once again thanks Canada and all the Allied soldiers who gave so much for our freedom, we find ourselves with our own freedom curtailed. This time from an unseen enemy. We feel safe in the knowledge that it will only be temporary. But it has given us a taste of what could have been with closures, restrictions and curfews. Being forced to stay indoors has been a big shock for many and seeing empty shelves was something we never expected to see in our lifetime.

The Prime Ministers of both countries have shared their thoughts and spoke about the strong and lasting bonds between Canada and the Netherlands grounded in Canada’s role in the Liberation. The Prime Ministers paid tribute to the sacrifices and brave efforts of the Canadian service members who liberated the Dutch people and helped bring the Second World War to an end in Europe. The two leaders expressed their enduring commitment to honour the sacrifices of those who fought and gave their lives for freedom.

Thank you to those who gave so much.

Julie Allen

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