
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="202"] Chris van Voorden, InnovationQuarter[/caption] Tapping into new markets beyond national borders: for many companies it sounds like a logical and promising step. But this is still often underestimated, notes NCCC member Chris van Voorden, Head of Internationalization at InnovationQuarter. “Our advisory meetings...

As cycling rates in our cities grow, building safe and efficient cycling infrastructure, including parking, becomes increasingly important. But design details of those facilities really matter - inadequate or hard-to-use infrastructure can create a negative feedback loop where people see empty cycle-ways or cycle parking...

Most goods first placed on the GB market after 1st January 2023 must be UKCA marked Many of our members also operate in the UK. Following Brexit, the UK now has its own regulatory framework for goods. Manufacturers need to start using the UK conformity assessment...

Is uw bedrijf actief op het gebied van innovatieve plantaardige voedingsmiddelen? En wilt u internationale samenwerkingen en markten verkennen? Ga dan van 31 oktober tot en met 3 november mee met de Handelsmissie Eiwittransitie naar Canada. Tijdens de missie bezoekt u het allereerste internationale 'Plant...

Air Canada and Emirates today announced the signing of a strategic partnership agreement that will create more options for customers when travelling on the carriers' networks while also enhancing the customer experience throughout the journey. Air Canada and Emirates intend to establish a codeshare...