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Carbon Capture Canada - Edmonton


Carbon Capture Canada (CCC) is the only pan-Canadian convention showcasing Canada's innovation and offerings in carbon capture, utilisation and storage. The convention offers an opportunity to meet key industry players over a three-day program, with a two-day business conference and trade show followed by visits to relevant sites in Alberta. Venue: Edmonton Convention Centre Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Target Audience: Canadians companies in innovation and offerings in carbon capture, utilisation and...
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ALL IN 2024 - Montreal


Venue: Montreal Convention Center Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Target Audience: Companies in tech sectors listed below Sector: Aerospace, Automotive, Clean technologies, Financial and insurance services, Industrial machinery, Information and communications technologies, Infrastructure, Life sciences, Transportation   Following the success of the 1st edition that brought together over 2,300 Artificial Intelligence (AI) enthusiasts from Canada and across the globe in 2023, ALL IN will be back in Montreal, on September 11 and 12, to support...
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